2008年11月30日 星期日

Aqualung's newly released album "Words and Music" !!!

臨睡前,赫然發現Aqualung推出了新專輯Words and Music,而且官網上還大方提供多首試聽,我簡直興奮到要哭了。


話說Aqualung真的很愛用譬喻法,先前他曾如此形容他於去年推出的專輯Memory Man

"If 'Aqualung' was a ships biscuit and 'still life' was asad cake, 'Memory Man' is a cybernetic space-rusk bulgingwith nutrients you never knew you needed. But that you can'tlive without."

這回他說他希望可以做出一張有機而呢喃(organic and furry)的專輯,Words and Music就是他在沒有任何外在壓力和既定時程表下完成的作品。他說當他自己在聆聽這張專輯的時候,感到身心得到釋放,同時獲得拯救了。

老天爺!Aqualung是這樣頌讚Words and Music的:

"I nearly called this album Heart Songs, because that's sort of what they are, Memory Man was completely a head record, but Words and Music is all heart. It barely has a head; it's basically just a heart and grin. There's something about the spirit of these recordings that feels like the start of something new. I don't know exactly where it will take me, but i will be very interesting to find out."



